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You’ve Been Pooping Out Your Multivitamins… Here’s How to Actually Absorb Them.

June 10, 2024
At Primary Goods, we have an independent selection process & only review what we fully endorse. If you buy a product via our links, we may earn a commission.

Editor’s note: Ready to start getting more out of your supplements? Save 10% on your first Healthycell order with code: PRIMARYGOODS10

Sometimes, it feels like you take multivitamins just to take them. Do they really do anything, or are they a socially-enforced habit with a placebo effect?

Turns out, there’s some proof that you’re not getting your money’s worth from your dailies. Be warned: skip ahead if you’ve got a sensitive stomach. Those who work in waste management may be familiar, but when cleaning out the holding tanks of Porta Potties, there are often hundreds of pills stuck to the filters. Some brand names could even be identified! 

So, what’s the solution? A multivitamin that actually absorbs into your body, so you get the benefits. Enter: HealthyCell’s unique Bioactive Multi.

Credit: HealthyCell

Step Aside, Pills

We’re sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if you’re taking your multis in pill form, you’re probably not getting the most out of them. That’s why HealthyCell’s multi is a gel – a method that increases absorption by 165%! Their once-a-day gel packs are also delicious, easy, and convenient… things that your pills or capsules may not be.

How do they do it? With their own patented MicroGel™ technology to deliver nutrients more effectively.

This means:

  • Maximum absorption: HealthyCell’s nutrient particles are designed to be extremely small, soluble, and bioavailable so they’re easily absorbed and really get to work.
  • Better taste: Yup! Since it’s a gel, we get delightful flavors that rival any powders you might get on the market.
  • Fewer “other ingredients”: MicroGel™ is more natural, meaning there’s no need for synthetic binding glues and fillers.

If you’re looking for a hard-working multi with real, tangible benefits, Bioactive Multi is it.

The Only Multi You Need

HealthyCell’s Bioactive Multi formula is a complete spectrum of your essentials – like vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. More specifically, these gels are designed to support your immune system, heart health, brain power, bone strength, and vibrant skin.

With just one pack a day, you’re getting your foundational needs met, and not wasting time and money on capsules that don’t even make it into your bloodstream. The full ingredients list can be found here, but this daily gel can replace 7 pills a day! Plus, it’s vegetarian, gluten-free, and soy-free.

The mixed berry flavor means it easily fits into your routine. I take mine every morning with my yogurt bowl, and even sometimes mix it in! It feels like a treat, and my body thanks me for it.

Credit: @HealthyCell via Instagram

A Daily Essential

It’s time for your multivitamins to do what they were designed to do. Try HealthyCell’s Bioactive Multi, and save 10% on your first order with code PRIMARY10!

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