We Were Sex Gods
If you’re not interested in reminiscing about two 50-somethings’ sexual glory days, feel free to skip this section and just get some kickass ED meds.
For anyone still here, I have to brag a little. I married a sex goddess. And I, for my part, was something of a sex god. Well into our 40s, we were still having epic – athletic, even – sex, sometimes multiple times a night. We shared our fantasies and explored kinks together. Beyond that, we had a rich romantic life – fueled by new experiences and weekend getaways and deep conversations that went into the wee hours of the morning. The fire was very much alive.
So when all that changed, it was tough. We were suddenly two completely different people – people who were always frazzled and tired. Our relationship was suffering. And when we finally tried to get back in the sex groove and I wasn’t able to perform, it was like a death knell for a once joyful and essential part of our lives.
I’m not exaggerating when I say that Hello Cake’s ED meds changed everything. They got us out of our funk and brought us back in touch with the healthy, vital, sexual beings we used to be.

Works Fast, Lasts Long
The main things I wanted to know about Hello Cake’s meds when I was doing my research were:
- How long do they take to start working?
- How long will they last?
- Are they actually safe? (I had no prior experience ordering any meds online.)
To the last point, I was relieved to learn that these meds are backed by a leading urologist and men’s sexual health doctor. And if you have any questions about your meds, you can message your doctor anytime!
I went through the easy onboarding process, got my prescription, and a few days later it arrived – in the form of a small, dissolvable tablet that actually tasted great, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about. The thing worked FAST. My wife and I were doing a little foreplay and maybe 15 minutes later, I was hard and ready to go.
I’d read that Hello Cake’s meds can last up to 36 hours. Let me clear up some potential confusion here – you’re not going to be hard for 36 hours straight. That’s how long the meds can stay in your system, allowing you to get hard when you’re sexually aroused. And in my case? I was able to have sex with my wife multiple times – that day and the next day, too.
I couldn’t believe it! I was right back in my sexual prime and the two of us were connected like we used to be – possibly even more so, because we were so thrilled to be enjoying sex again.

Easiest Decision I Ever Made
(Besides marrying my wife, of course.)
I know a lot of guys who will struggle with ED and be in denial about it for years. I’m lucky in that I don’t have an ego about that stuff. Once I realized I was preventing my partner and myself from having the active sex life we so desperately wanted to return to, I started trying to fix it.
It’s true that having ED, or even a one-off issue getting an erection, can be a big confidence blow. But you don’t need to sweat it too much. It’s not a terminal illness. It’s an inconvenience that – luckily – is treatable, with pretty much the click of a button.
As soon as I started on the ED meds, I saw immediate improvements in my confidence and my marriage. Now, my wife and I are back to acting like teenagers around each other. And our “empty nest” is more like a sex den.
If you’re ready to have the best sex of your life – at any age – you need to try Hello Cake. And you can save 20% on your first order with code PRIMARY20